Tuesday, October 8

Today's Essential Marketing News & Tips

If you’re feeling low or making any mistakes this week, don’t worry: at least you’re not X, who sent payment for their Brazil fines to the wrong bank. 🫠

🌟 Today’s Highlights:

  • Pinterest launched AI-enabled ad targeting options

  • Threads has an engagement-bait problem (it’s working on it)

  • You can send verification codes via Telegram now

  • 📊 Stat of the Day: Google’s share of the U.S. search ad market is expected to drop below 50% next year for the first time in over a decade. (Source: eMarketer)

  • 💡 Today’s Insight: Make the most of TikTok’s new automated ad targeting options

🤫 3 HACKS That Led To $40M In Course Sales

If you have an online course or digital program – or you're thinking about creating one – you’re welcome in advance

My friend and course expert Marisa Murgatroyd made 3 simple tweaks to her course, and the results were staggering:

  • Webinar conversions jumped from 11% to 21%

  • Student completion rates spiked by 350%

  • Lifetime customer value increased by 10X!

Why does this matter? Because Marisa has broken down those 3 tweaks into a FREE guide, The Dopamine Button: 3 Brain Hacks That Skyrocket Course Engagement & Sales, available for a FEW DAYS ONLY!

These strategies helped Marisa launch five million-dollar courses and grow her business to $40M.

💡 Today’s Insight 💡

🗞 TL;DR - ‘Tis the season for new ad features. To support marketers and maximize advertiser interest this holiday season, TikTok has rolled out its new fully AI-automated ad solution called “Smart+” which takes care of the whole ad creation, placement, and bidding process. How can you make the most of these new Smart+ campaigns? We’ve summarized Social Media Today’s takeaways for you.

💡 Insight - First off, how do Smart+ campaigns work? It’s pretty similar to your usual ad buying process. You’ll select your performance objective on Ads Manager, input your audience/budget/creative/KPIs, then let Smart+ decide on creative, targets, and how to optimize your performance.

TikTok’s Smart+ campaigns are split into four different categories of ad buy:

  • Smart+ Catalog Ads which connect your catalog & drive sales on your eCommerce website

  • Smart+ Web Campaigns which drive traffic or lower funnel actions on your website

  • Smart+ App Campaigns which leverage the power of discovery to drive app installs and conversions

  • Smart+ Lead Generation Campaigns which turn leaned-in audiences into high-value customers

Between all four options, 66-71% of advertisers achieved better performance using the Smart+ tools. Similarly, advertisers using Smart+ Web Campaigns to optimize for value saw a 52% improvement on return on ad spend. Sounds promising.

Turn our audience into your clients/customers/users here

🛠 Things Worth Checking Out 🛠

 BFCM HACKS - Lucky for you, I've put together a BFCM Growth Hacking Guide with 5 Hacks every e-commerce brand needs to crush the most important week of the year. If you sell anything online, you need to download the guide RIGHT NOW here →

👀 VIRAL STORY - You know those viral moments where the entire internet suddenly unites around one wild story or conspiracy? The most recent is the TikTok rug story, and here’s the latest update if you haven’t been following.

💼 LINKEDIN - Could LinkedIn be the new TikTok? Maybe. As the potential ban on TikTok looms over the U.S., many influencers are becoming “LinkedIn-fluencers” with 61% of PR professionals planning to increase their LinkedIn use.

⚡️ Today’s Headlines ⚡️

💫 Pinterest is rolling out its own AI-powered ad automation

🎣 Threads is working on getting its engagement-bait increase under control

🤦 X’s Brazil return is delayed after it reportedly paid its fines to the wrong bank

🪪 Brands can send verification codes via Telegram now

🇬🇧 TikTok launched its first U.K. SME branding campaign

Want more from me?

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