Tuesday, November 28

Today's top marketing news, tips, & tools

Hey there,

Congrats, you made it through the busy holiday sales days! Now it’s just a quiet few weeks until the new year, right? Right???? 🤡

🧠 Stat Of The Day 🧠

Consumers spend an average of $219 on subscription costs, 2.5x more than they estimate when asked. (Source: C+R Research)

📖 Marketing in 2024 will require tearing up old playbooks

Out Of Out-of-home advertising challenges are real. The measurement problem looms large – outdated methods fall short in today's data-driven landscape. Quantifying the impact? A constant uphill battle.

2024 brings us OOH 2.0 – a transformative solution from OneScreen.ai.

Do OOH in a smarter, data-driven way. Measure impact meaningfully and witness real results in the pipeline.

OOH 2.0 is the winning strategy – scalable, measurable, efficient, and targeted.

Still skeptical? Learn how to do OOH 2.0 and break free from the myth that OOH can't be measured.

⚡️Today’s Headlines⚡️

🖼️ You can now change the cover of a posted IG Reel

🧑‍🎨 Need TikTok inspo? Check out their new series of ‘Creative Cards’

🍪 Google really is phasing out 1% of third-party cookies in FY24 Q1

🚫 LinkedIn’s using AI to sniff out policy-violating content

⏳ TikTok says people love watching minute+ long clips

🛠️ Things Worth Checking Out 🛠️

📫 EMAIL - Our friends over at Inbox Mailers are helping many of our subscribers increase their marketing emails' open rate by 3X with this crazy new technology! They’re also giving a FREE ebook with secrets to increase open rates by 300%

 VIDEO - Struggling to stand out? Harmon Brothers crafts video magic—differentiating, memorable, and revenue-driven. First 15 companies get three custom golden nugget campaign ideas for FREE!

🤖 AI SMM - For science, Hootsuite ran a really interesting experiment where they had AI plan an entire social media strategy – from writing post copy to crafting images. The findings might surprise you.

🤪 CUSTOM EMOJI - Need a unique emoji? The new iOS app Newji lets users turn any AI prompt into emojis. The weirder the better.

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Today’s Insight

📰 TL;DR - It’s time to reevaluate your call-to-action strategy. Newsletter Marketing Ideas argues that it’s not just about the text on your button or hyperlink but the journey it leads users to.

The main idea being: invest time in creating a unique flow for CTA-driven users – a bare-bones version of your product where users can get a taste without any friction.

💡 Insight - First, the actual CTA. How is your button or hyperlink worded? The best CTAs shorten the user’s journey to an “aha!” moment. Some examples: Try it yourself, See it in action, Try a demo.

It’s a common trap that value-oriented CTAs, ones that mention the benefit of the product, can boost conversions. But don’t overcomplicate the action and risk intimidating consumers. Make it simple: get users to that “aha!” moment fast.

Where does your CTA go? Invest time into this part of the user journey and build a playground for your soon-to-be users. If a prospective user has to sign-up first to see the value of your product, you risk losing them. Remove friction at every step and excite prospective customers to take the next step.

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