Tuesday, November 21

Today's top marketing news, tips, & tools

Hey there,

Korean car maker Hyundai announced recently that starting in 2024, you’ll be able to buy their cars through Amazon. Talk about an expensive accidental Alexa purchase.

🧠 Stat Of The Day 🧠

68% of teens use TikTok at least once per week, surpassing YouTube in weekly usage for the first time ever. (Source: Forrester)

🤯 Free Influencer Masterclass that's Getting Brands 8.11x ROAS

Have you always wanted to start an influencer program but haven't?

It can be complex and confusing to do. There are too many unanswered questions around strategy, the best types of influencers for your brand, commission structure, agencies, and so much more.

Tools are fine, but they mean nothing if you don't make the most of them.

So, SARAL decided to release all of their secret sauce from having worked with 130+ brands on their influencer campaigns. You now get access to a step-by-step masterclass that you can follow to win with influencers.

The platform is free to start, automates the manual work for you, and guides you on best practices that help you succeed (much like an assistant!)

Want to learn more? Book a call here.

🌟 Get Matched With A Top-Rated Agency!

Finding the perfect agency for your brand takes less than 60 seconds & costs $0 with AgencyReviews new quiz feature. Get started here!

⚡️Today’s Headlines⚡️

💰 Get ready for YouTube Shorts ad buying

⏸️ Apple, Disney, IBM, Lionsgate and more are pausing X ad spend

🛒 Buy ads where people shop with Instacart’s new discovery tools

👀 Meta revealed the secret to creating content for Threads’ algorithm

🎞️ You can now create and schedule reels directly from Meta Biz Suite

🛠️ Things Worth Checking Out 🛠️

🎁 FREE CONTENT - Unwrap the gift of a professionally optimized blog article paired with comprehensive keyword recommendations at no cost. Start your BREEZY SEO experience with a 7-day free trial here.

📈 ECOMM GROWTH - Kynship’s approach combines rapid dynamic creative testing with a cost cap bid strategy, prioritizing your brand's sustainable growth. Visit here and get 1000 influencer assets in 90 days!

😱 NEWSJACKING - If you haven’t seen this story about how Stanley capitalized on a woman’s totally burned car… you’ve gotta check it out and take notes.

🧵 X COMPETITORS - Threads is growing but it’s still dropping the ball on breaking news. Case in point: OpenAI’s weekend drama took place on X, not Threads. Can Threads measure up?

Today’s Insight

📰 TL;DR - It’s a conundrum like no other: you need to take advantage of the holiday sales season, but consumers are also getting inundated with holiday sales messaging.

Email testing company Litmus dove into this topic on their blog, showcasing three ways email engagement changes during the holiday season and how you can make the most of it.

💡 Insight - Shoppers increasingly make their purchases on mobile devices. According to Litmus, from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day, about 44.2% of people opened emails on a mobile device vs 19.8% on a desktop application. Even more, in 2022, 47% of online sales came through mobile devices. Make sure your emails and website are mobile-friendly!

Try reaching audiences in the evening. When looking at data of when people were most likely to open emails during the holiday season, 7PM was the top spot with 9.45% of email opens on average.

Don’t be afraid to experiment, even during the busy holiday season. Contrary to the evening open stat, Litmus said that on the biggest holiday shopping holidays of the year, email open times can be variable around lunchtime. Since Black Friday and Cyber Monday fall on workdays, most people are using their breaks to scroll sales. But try out different variables to find your correct mix.

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