Tuesday, June 27

Marketing’s top news, tips, & tools of the day

We’re compiling a list of the Top 100 Marketers in the game, apply here for free!

Talk of the Town

  • This upward momentum is the first sign that the U.S. ad marketplace could be coming out of a recession beginning July 2022. The index does differ from the spending growth forecast from major U.S. agencies projected at +2.9% this year.

  • Takeaway: While it’s still a struggle out there, this growth is a good sign that things could be turning around for ad buyers. Additionally, the growth is most seen in digital media vs more traditional categories, so take note!

  • YouTube released its latest Culture & Trends report to look at how creators and fans are using technology to engage on the platform. Also of note:

    • There have been more than 1.7 billion views of videos related to generative AI tools

    • 82% of Gen Z and Millennials say they’ve posted video content online

    • 54% of respondents said they would prefer to watch creators breaking down a major event (like the Oscars) than watch it themselves

  • Takeaway: Creators are powerful and fans are loyal. If you’ve ever doubted it, check out the full report for a deeper look. Whether you’re partnering with creators for ads or UGC, or looking to become a creator yourself, you should be jumping into this economy somehow.

⚠️ Most consumer brands get THIS wrong about seeding products to influencers

The old tactic of "no commitment" influencer seeding does not work anymore. It creates unrealistic expectations and uses bait-&-switch to get creators to promote you.

Meanwhile there some brands that seem to just get it. Why? They're doing something different... something unique... something that is not commonly shared on Twitter.

In this private document, made specifically for Growth Daily readers, a former agency owner shares what really works with influencer seeding. The doc has all his playbooks, templates, and follow-along videos. Use it to get endless influencers promoting you on auto-pilot.

P.S. If you need their team to come up with a custom influencer strategy for your brand, book a call here.

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🛠️ Things Worth Checking Out

💼 CMO - Why is it so hard for startups to find their perfect CMO or VP of Marketing?? Well, there’s lots of reasons and here are a few (+ how to fix them).

🌟 SEO - AWT is the perfect solution for small website owners and SEO beginners. Automated site audits, tips for more traffic, keywords, backlinks, all for free here.

🎥 YOUTUBE - YouTube is making fans clearly state their non-affiliations after many channels have been re-uploading content from popular creators.

Today’s Growth Tip

  • Amazon’s partnering with small businesses, like bodegas or florists, to become delivery partners and further expand its last-mile delivery network. Through the partnership, small partner shops receive packages to delivery to customers in their area. Amazon gets an expanded workforce, small biz owners get supplemental income.

  • Make It Yours: Think of businesses smaller than yours who you might view as competition. Perhaps it’s the small town print shop or your one-person hair stylist. Could everyone’s business be better if you partnered with them instead of pushing them away? We can’t all be Amazon, but we can learn to love some of those in our industry rather than fight against them. Hard to argue against a win-win scenario.

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