Thursday, May 30

Today's Essential Marketing News & Tips

Trying out a different format for you today with the HUGE news of Google’s Search algorithm leak… if you like it, hit ‘reply’ and let me know!

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Google’s search algorithm was leaked –
Here’s everything you need to know 👇🏻

🗞 TL;DR 🗞

Thousands of documents from Google’s internal content API were released on Github on March 13 by an automated bot. An anonymous source then shared these with Rand Fishkin, Co-Founder and CEO of SparkToro, who published them on SparkToro’s blog. This afternoon, Google confirmed that the docs are real.

This is a big deal because the docs suggest that Google might be using data, like clicks, that company reps have previously said doesn’t contribute to ranking webpages in Google Search.

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Here’s what the documents claim does affect your search ranking:

Link diversity, link relevance, and PageRank matter. This means if you haven’t paid much attention to your backlink strategy, it’s time to refocus. Make sure a great deal and a strong variety of websites are linking to your webpages, and vice versa, to grow these metrics.

Successful clicks matter. You need to keep creating great content that users want to click on. Keep a strong user experience to keep users clicking on your page and showing Google that you’re attracting qualified traffic.

Brand matters, maybe more than anything else. Fishkin stresses that brands should “build a notable, popular, well-recognized brand in your space, outside of Google search.”

Authorship matters. Google does store author information associated with content and tries to determine whether an entity is the author of the document. Use this to your advantage!

Chrome viewership matters. The documents contain a module ‘ChromeInTotal’ which suggests that Google uses data from its Chrome browser for ranking. Not a bad idea to consider how your webpages are showing up on Chrome.

Small sites and whitelisted sites (domains related to elections and COVID) have their own modules. This suggests that both of these features can be weighed in the algorithm, so if you’re a small business or a government authority, you may be getting an upper hand.

Fresh content matters. Google looks at dates in the byline, URL, and on-page content. You should be publishing new content regularly to lean into this and refresh your older content frequently so it can be resurfaced.

Page titles still matter. Google’s module ‘titlematchScore’ suggests they measure how well a page title matches a search query.

Content can be demoted for a variety of reasons including: links that don’t match the target site, if the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) signals show that users are dissatisfied with the results, product reviews, location, exact match domains, and NSFW content.

Also interesting: Google keeps a copy of every version of every page it has ever indexed. Said simply, Google can remember every change ever made to a page, even though it only uses the last 20 changes of a URL when analyzing links.

Overall, if you’re already following robust SEO measures, you probably don’t need to overhaul your strategy as a result of these docs. While some of Google’s past statements may seem in conflict with these findings, we still don’t really know how any of these modules are weighted.

The advice Google has consistently given still rings true: publish great content consistently that helps users who are looking for what you have to offer. You can’t hack your way into making bad content rank high, so focus your energy on what you actually can control.

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