Monday, June 3

Today's Essential Marketing News & Tips

Welcome to the first Monday of a new month! I always find these days to be a great opportunity for a refresh. What area of your life or work can you refresh today?

Personally, I’m gonna try to get outside for at least a half hour each day. Soak up that sun while we have it (with SPF, of course).

📊 Stat Of The Day 📊

2 in 3 B2B marketing leaders are using AI applications in their marketing activities. (Source: LinkedIn’s 2024 B2B Marketing Benchmark)

❤️ Make Your Brand A Customer Favorite

It’s no secret that personalized experiences are key to connecting with customers at a higher level and increasing brand loyalty.

HealingMaps, a mental wellness platform, wanted to provide expert advice and deliver a personalized user experience. It was a unique challenge to seamlessly do this for hundreds of thousands of monthly website visitors.

That’s when they turned to Codingscape, which used the power of LLMs to create a custom AI chatbot that provides reliable advice. They utilized Vellum AI, AWS, and LLMs like ChatGPT, creating a personalized user experience to educate and engage hundreds of thousands of visitors monthly.

⚡️ Today’s Headlines ⚡️

🤷 JK, TikTok says it isn’t creating a U.S.-only algorithm

✉️ But TikTok IS testing DM streaks to prompt daily engagement

🔗 LinkedIn’s organic posts are getting smaller link previews

🧵 Threads’ TweetDeck-style desktop site redesign is live

🫥 Instagram wants users to experiment with Reels by hiding them

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🛠 Things Worth Checking Out 🛠

🌪️ YOUR FUNNEL - Unlock your marketing funnel's potential with a custom Report Card & Action Plan. Book a FREE call now, and save $1,000 off your full funnel audit if you're one of the next 5 companies to book a call here →

🔓 YOUR PERFECT AGENCY - Looking to unlock more growth? Hire a team that has done it already. Match with your perfect marketing team in 60 seconds, 100% free here →

🎯 AD TARGETING - Anyone concerned about getting targeted ads should check out the U.K.’s new approach. Political ads in the nation are moving away from microtargeting and running blanketed ads.

💡 Today’s Insight 💡

🗞 TL;DR - If you haven’t seen the Lin Manuel Miranda-esque rap battle that occurred onstage at Canva’s Create event last week, let me enlighten you… it’s become quite the laugh in biz groups across the internet. But some people might think it’s brilliant? It’s a careful line to toe between being cool & different versus being awkward and cringy.

💡 Insight - The rap battle swiftly became a joke in online biz communities and conversations. Many compared it to the satirical show Silicon Valley or Succession’s “L to the OG” – but this actually happened in real life. Audiences found a major disconnect because of the odd combination of topics. How often do you hear people rapping about ROI and SSO?

To make matters worse, the event was broadcast digitally, making it easy for people on the internet to make a laugh out of the effort (note: laughing AT Canva, not with them). By the time it went viral on X, people were just doubling down on the concept of this act as cringe, claiming that the performance showed just how out of touch tech is with the real world. Cue the “how do you do fellow kids” meme.

But… I’m gonna play devil’s advocate here: maybe all buzz is good buzz? A Canva rep says that more than 50 million people saw the rap battle within 48 hours, leading to a 2500% increase in people talking about Canva Enterprise on social media. Cringe may involve some embarrassment and brand missteps, but if it leads to those numbers and isn’t detrimental to your brand? Maybe it’s worth being the butt of the joke.

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