Monday, July 15

Today's Essential Marketing News & Tips

Happy Monday! Wanna win a $500 Amazon gift card? All you’ve gotta do is give us your honest thoughts in our Q3 audience survey here to be entered for a chance to win. 🤑

🌟 Today’s Highlights:

  • X’s changes to verification are in violation of EU’s DSA

  • The Atlantic confirmed OpenAI is building a search product

  • Microsoft added AI asset recs for video ads

  • 📊 Stat of the Day: ChatGPT attracted 2.9 billion visits in June, setting a new traffic record. (Source: Similarweb)

  • 💡Today’s Insight: The secrets to consistently publishing content

🎨 This market with 63% price growth isn't just for billionaires anymore…

Over the last 20 years, record prices achieved for Banksy’s art have grown at an astounding 63% compound annual rate. Even more impressive? It's not just the ultra-wealthy benefiting from this phenomenal growth, thanks to Masterworks.

Masterworks* enables its 820,000+ users to access investments in multi-million dollar artworks by artists like Banksy, Basquiat, and Picasso for just a fraction of the cost of an entire piece.

When Masterworks sells a painting, like the 16 it’s already sold, investors can get a return on their investment. With 3 recent sales, Masterworks investors realized net annualized returns of 17.8%, 21.5% and 27.3%.

Every offering is limited, and shares can sell out in just minutes, but Growth Daily readers can skip the waitlist with this exclusive link.

💡 Today’s Insight 💡

🗞 TL;DR - We all know how important consistency is to having a successful content stream… but it’s weirdly challenging in practice. Most fall off the habit after a few times for a few reasons – usually fear of failure or an inability to plan correctly. If this sounds like you, Creator Science has some key tips on staying accountable, including setting achievable deadlines, creating momentum, reducing friction, and thinking long-term.

💡 Insight - Here are a few ways you can stay consistent in publishing your content to achieve ultimate success:

  • Set achievable deadlines and build respect for them (aka COMMIT)

  • Develop a routine and create environmental triggers for yourself

  • Take the first step to create momentum (just start!)

  • Break your content down into smaller, easier pieces

  • Identify what’s stopping you and remove the friction

  • Create a system of accountability

  • Generate an idea engine by letting your audience inform your content

  • Accept that you’re going to drop the ball, but don’t break the chain more than twice

  • Prepare for the long game – results aren’t quick or linear

Interested in reaching our audience? Grow with us here

🛠 Things Worth Checking Out 🛠

🧐 A TALE OF TWO BUSINESSES - One wastes money on FB ads, fighting for attention. The other thrives with a low-cost, engaging newsletter. Choose wisely. 👉🏼 Start your newsletter journey here.

🗽 JOIN ME IN NYC - Join me & Phil Rivers in NYC on August 29th for our epic Lead Gen Workshop to learn 15+ innovative ways to generate leads for your business! Tickets are now 50% off here.

🧠 GOOGLE ADS - Google Ads made some changes last month to queries, match types, and negative keywords. Here’s what the update means for future PPC campaigns.

⚡️ Today’s Headlines ⚡️

💡 Microsoft Advertising added AI asset recommendations for video ads

😬 EU says X’s verification changes is in breach of DSA

🔎 The Atlantic confirmed OpenAI is building a search product

🧑‍⚖️ X is planning to take legal action against ad buyers withholding spend

🚫 CapCut is stopping its free cloud storage offer starting August 5

Interested in reaching my audience? Get in touch here

Disclosure: Some things in this newsletter may be a sponsored post or Growth Daily LLC may be getting a small commission if you sign up / fill out their form or Growth Daily LLC might own a percent of the business. In particular, but not always, those sponsored or commissioned or owned posts might have an * in the subject headline. Read our privacy policy here.

*Past performance is not indicative of future returns, investing involves risk. See disclosures