Monday, July 1

Today's Essential Marketing News & Tips

Welcome to July! A friendly reminder that most of us in the U.S. will only be working Mon-Wed this week because of Independence Day on Thursday. Ourselves included. 😎

📊 Stat Of The Day 📊

65% of Gen Z fans consider themselves to be “creators” themselves. (Source: YouTube)

🤔 How do brands win with influencers?

The secret to making influencer partnerships work is finding your unique tribe; that's a no-brainer. People who would promote you even if you didn't partner with them and give them incentives to mention you.

Brands like Obvi and Tiege are using tools like SARAL to do exactly that. Helping them search across social media, find creators who really click (no pun intended), and then automate outreach.

Wanna learn more? Book a meeting

🎙 I’ve been extracting tactics from some amazing marketers! Learn:

The marketing secrets of an OG Money Guru on YT / Spotify / Apple

The 5 mistakes brands make when hiring an agency on YT / Spotify / Apple

⚡️ Today’s Headlines ⚡️

😬 HubSpot had some kind of cybersecurity incident on Friday

🤖 Meta’s enabling creators to create AI chatbot versions of themselves

💸 Apple’s expanding its 30% advertiser fee to more regions

🫥 Threads is testing a disappearing posts feature

☁️ Bluesky’s new feature allows to curate accounts and feeds

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🛠 Things Worth Checking Out 🛠

💪 REPURPOSED CONTENT - Unlock hidden content by letting repurpose your existing event & podcast recordings so much more! Just reply with the word HATCH for a personal intro to their team to get a 100% free 30-day trial :)

🙋🏻‍♂️ HIRE ME - All of my Fractional CMO arrangements have essentially turned into me running a highly profitable Google Ads funnel for them. Want me to use my $10m in Google Ad spend experience to bring you leads & customers? See if you’re a fit here!

🧐 TIKTOK BAN - A coalition of digital rights groups is arguing in new court papers that the attempt to ban TikTok violates free speech rights of app users (and the company itself). Here’s what they have to say.

💡 Today’s Insight 💡

🗞 TL;DR - VidCon 2024 was last week, and YouTube published a fandom trends report to overlap with the event to highlight the importance of building community in the app. The 10-page guide includes insights into the rising value of fandom and niche communities.

💡 Insight - Some notable stats from the trends report:

  • 85% of people online aged 14-44 describe themselves as a fan of someone or something

  • 80% of those fans use YouTube to consume content about the person or thing they’re a fan of at least weekly

  • 42% of Gen-Z users define themselves as a ‘casual fan,’ those who just consume media, while only 8% identify as a ‘professional fan,’ the highest level of fandom, those who earn money from their creation

  • 47% of Gen Z report belonging to a fandom that no one they know personally is a part of

  • 66% of Gen Z Americans agree that they often spend more time watching content that discusses or unpacks something than the thing itself (like fan breakdowns of artist media)

Interested in reaching my audience? Get in touch here

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