📰 Growth Daily - Tuesday, Feb 15

Wednesday's news, tips, & tools you need to know

1 - YouTube Making It Easier To Global? 🌎

📰 TL;DR - The world’s second-largest search engine is testing a new feature that would let content creators (aka anyone who uploads a video) upload multiple audio tracks for a video for different languages. Also, on videos that have multiple language audio files uploaded, users will be able to switch between different languages for each video easily.

💡 Insight - Did you know that social media personalities (and serial entrepreneurs) like Gary V & Mr Beast have someone translate all their videos into lots of other languages so that audiences in various countries can digest the content with ease? This feature will it make it so much easier!

🙏🏼 Pro Tip - Going global with your audience is one of the fastest ways to decrease your CAC since ads on most platforms are a fraction of the cost in other countries compared to the US. Whether you even post YouTube videos or not, this is a friendly reminder to think more global!

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3 - Lessons From The Viral Super Bowl Ads 🏈

📰 TL;DR - If we award the best super bowl commercials by which one had the most comments, nods, and engagement on Twitter then it’s clear we have 3 stand-out winners. Here they are with some insights from each:

Bud Light - Miles & Keliegh Teller (his wife) made the most of a long customer service hold time with some tasty (or watery if are a true beer fan) Bud Light. Of course this one crushed it!

The insight? The spot was immediately relatable since it started by panning out from a phone showing an hour wait time for customer support. We were all tuned in to see what was going to happen. Always remember to have something relatable in the first few seconds of a video ad!

Tubi - This ad had us standing up and screaming at the people behind the bar asking them to turn it back to the game! This ad definitely will definitely have the most lasting impact of any of the Super Bowl commercials.

The insight? Doing things that disrupt the pattern and make people go WAIT! WHAT’S HAPPENING?! typically tends to have a lasting impact.

Pepsi - In their first year not sponsoring the half-time show they certainly came up with a clever ad to make up for their lack of logo exposure! Ben Stiller compared the “deceptiveness” of acting to Pepsi Zero’s deceptive delicious taste despite having zero sugar.

The insight? We can learn a lot from the ending scene in this commercial where Ben goes “wow this is really good!” and then he turns to the camera and says “or was I just acting?” … it’s great because it makes us think hmmm is he just acting? Maybe I should try a Pepsi Zero to decide for myself! Planting that seed in your customer’s brain is so valuable!

4 - A Long List (19) Of Lead Gen Tactics 📥

📰 TL;DR - Social Media Today just published a long list of lead-gen tactics for marketing agencies but they could work for any business that needs leads really! Some of them are rather basic but many are things we talk about a lot as marketers and rarely do. A few of our favorites out of the 19:

  • Webinars - these CRUSH it for so many businesses

  • Client Rewards - incentivize and reward your existing clients/customers for referring other clients/customers

  • Ebooks - lead magnets are another version of a great lead magnet like a webinar… pro tip: record your webinar and turn them into an e-book

  • Facebook Groups - most people think you just get access to an FB group and start posting about your product and the leads magically come in… sadly it’s not that easy but if you spend a few weeks engaging and answering questions with value you would be surprised how fast the leads start flowing in…

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