📰 Growth Daily - Friday, Mar 10

Friday's news, tips, & tools you need to know

🔍 TikTok Adds ‘Keyword Insights’ Feature For Ad Copy Research

📰 TL;DR - TikTok’s added another useful research tool to their Creative Center known as ‘Keyword Insights’. The feature enables marketers and advertisers to use search to find which keywords and phrases are resonating best in TikTok ads. Advertisers can browse keywords appearing in real, successful ad campaigns, get a look at the average CTRs on the respective ads, then watch the ads themselves for ideas on how to incorporate them into your script, ad text, and overlays.

💡 Insight - This tool is really informative and should definitely become a part of your ad content research process. It’s always nice when a social network provides their own insight tools directly on the site (vs through a third party with potentially muddy data), and TikTok has led the pack with their custom tools for creators and brands. Try it out for yourself!

🌱 Promoting Sustainability? You’ll Need Influencer Support

📰 TL;DR - According to a new study from Unilever, influencers have the single largest impact on consumers’ sustainability choices – even above documentaries, news articles, and government campaigns. 3/4 of consumers said that social media content made them more likely to adopt sustainable behaviors. 83% of consumers – and 86% of those 18-34 – say that TikTok and Instagram are helpful places to seek out advice on how to be greener at home.

💡 Insight - This study is obviously a fascinating statement on sustainability messaging, but I think it goes even deeper to show the true impact influencers hold in general. And it might be interesting to theorize why this is the way it is. Do consumers truly value sustainability, or really any ethical issue, because they were informed about it via influencers? Or is it more about the FOMO and copying an influencer’s lifestyle? Just makes you think…

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🎵 TikTok + Instagram + YouTube = New Spotify Design

📰 TL;DR - Spotify is redesigning their app homescreen design with a goal of making it easier for users to find new music, podcasts, and videos. The design, just announced at their Stream On event, utilizes album covers to make a scrollable feed reminiscent of TikTok or Instagram.

Users can tap through various app sections to find suggested playlists listed by cover photos or auto-playing videos that appear like YouTube recommendations. Spotify’s also adding more personalized AI, including their Smart Shuffle feature which temporarily adds suggested tracks to your existing playlists.

💡 Insight - Spotify’s always been more than just a music player. From their early days of adding friends on the platform to sharing public playlists, Spotify feels like a social network in itself. It’s a strategy that’s truly differentiated themselves from rival Apple Music and seems to work for them. Which is mostly to say, thinking outside the box of what your product traditionally is can open the door to endless creativity.

💬 38% of Customers Purchase After Receiving Text or WhatsApp Message

📰 TL;DR - Data researcher Validity released a new study on the value of SMS marketing, surveying 1.2k consumers in late 2022. Some of the key findings:

  • SMS messaging (texts or WhatsApp) drove 38% of customers to make a purchase

  • 95% of customers said they’re occasionally annoyed with SMS marketing, especially when the messages aren’t relevant

  • 28% said they stopped purchasing from a brand they received annoying messages from

  • 14% left a negative review of a company due to irritation

  • 97% said they would prefer the ability to adjust the frequency of their messages

  • 66% were worried brands are selling their data

📈 Take Your Email’s Average Open Rate, Now Multiply By 3X*

📰 TL;DR - There are many possible reasons your emails aren’t delivered and opened:

  • Your subscribers aren’t engaged.

  • Your IP reputation.

  • Your sender score.

But the good news is, Inbox Mailers created a new technology that fixes these problems all at once, so your emails actually get delivered. Their new tech can tell you when your users are actively in their inbox… And uses that data to get them to open your emails.

It has nothing to do with your copy. Or the relationship with your list. Yes, this helps even if it’s a disengaged list.

Imagine what revenue would look like if you improved your open rate by as much as 300%…

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