📰 Growth Daily - February, Jan 7

Tuesday's news, tips, & tools you need to know

1 - Publicis Is Becoming A Tech Giant?

📰 TL;DR - Publicis is one of the largest marketing and advertising agency holding companies in the world. They own iconic marketing agency brands like Digitas, Leo Burnett, Saatchi & Saatchi, and many more. For decades almost all of their revenue has come from agency service fees but they just announced their Q4 earnings and not only did their revenue increase by about 10% despite all the rhetoric around “marketing agencies & services are dying” … but more interestingly they announced that about 1/3rd of their revenue came from data & tech related products. That’s rare for an agency Holding Co. of their size!

💡 Insight - We had a call with an ad agency last week in which the asked us to use our newsletter to help them sell their ad agency since they think AI will kill the ad agency business. We quickly responded, no way! The agencies that lean into tech (and AI) will end up growing faster and more profitably. Maybe it’s not the worst time to get into the marketing agency business after all?

💸 Personal Finance Finding Growth In Reddit

📰 TL;DR - Reddit recently published an infographic detailing just how active people who are interested in personal finance are on their platform. According to their data, there are more than 17 million active “ad eligible” users lurking on Reddit who are easily targetable via their platform.

💡 Insight - Reddit remains one of those fringe ad platforms that likely can’t scale you to the moon but can add a very effective marketing tool in your arsenal if you take the time to learn the platform well. If you sell anything in the personal finance space or if your target demo just also happens to be interested in personal finance, perhaps give Reddit a shot?

😈 The Rise Of The De-Influencer

📰 TL;DR - For almost a decade now it seems we have been watching accounts across all social platforms tell us what we should be buying aka “influencing” our consumer decisions. Well there seems to be a new type of influencer in town and they are starting to be known as “De-Influencers” -basically, people who tell you what not to buy. The Tik Tok hashtag #deinfluencing has 21.4m views growing steadily each week.

💡 Insight - This is such a cool trend and we are glad there is now a name for it! The world needs people to expose bad products more instead of just getting paid to promote whatever someone is willing to pay your fee for.

🙏🏼 Pro Tip - If you have a clear direct competitor, we would open up Tik Tok, type in #deinfluencing, find someone who has created a few videos dissing products, and pay them $ to do that to your competitor before your competitor asks them to record a video about you.

🔎 Yahoo Is Coming For Google’s Search Business?

📰 TL;DR - According to Statista, Yahoo search remains the third largest search engine in the world (if you include YouTube with Google) and they wanna do something about it. Yahoo just announced they are hiring a “Principal Product Manager” for Yahoo Search to reignite the old Yahoo search magic they had before Google usurped Yahoo’s search dominance.

💡 Insight - ChatGPT integrating into Bing, DuckDuckGo gaining popularity as a privacy-protected Google Search alternative, now Yahoo throwing their hat back in the ring… We’re just waiting for someone to come after Google so we can take advantage of high volume / low CPC keywords on alternative search platforms.

🛍 40% of Online Q4 Sales Come From Mobile

📰 TL;DR - According to Comscore’s 2023 State of Digital Commerce report, digital commerce spend passed $1 trillion for all of 2022, a 21% increase from the previous year. More interestingly, in the same report, roughly 40% of digital consumer retail spend in Q4 came from mobile devices.

💡 Insight - When was the last time you audited your site’s mobile experience? Are the buttons big enough for someone with large fingers or bad eyes to see and click easily? Does your mobile site load as fast as your desktop site? How many taps does it take to check out on your mobile experience versus your desktop? Can you shrink that down? This is a friendly reminder to optimize your mobile site experience as much as you possibly can!

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