Friday, September 29

Marketing’s top news, tips, & tools of the day

Hey there,

It’s National Coffee Day! Check out this list of where to get a free cup today. Drink responsibly ☕️

🌟 Today’s Highlights 🌟

  • Windows Paint is still alive and now has DALL-E features

  • Gen Z drops Snapchat usage

  • Insight: How to maximize ad effectiveness on TikTok

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⚡️Today’s Headlines⚡️

🤩 Meta’s launching AI chatbots for Tom Brady, Kendall Jenner, and more.

🛜 ChatGPT Plus & Enterprise users can now browse the internet

🎨 Microsoft is testing a DALL-E powered creator in Windows Paint

✂️ YouTube Creators can see clips viewers created with view count

🦾 Facebook & Instagram are getting AI-powered creator tools

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🛠️ Things Worth Checking Out 🛠️

💰 AD SPEND - Optimize ad spend with Kynship: Get 1,000 influencer assets in 90 days. Turn every asset into a winner and boost your brand's bottom-line growth! Visit here.

👀 SELLING A BUSINESS? - Trying to sell your business but not seeing results? List on Rejigg for FREE and let serious buyers like search funds and family offices chase you. It's like speed dating for your business! Join here.

🔮 ADS SECRETS - Don't Miss Out on Q4 Success. Join the experts on Oct 4, 2PM ET for Google & Bing Ads secrets that can boost your revenue and career. Register now, or kick yourself later!

👻 GEN Z HABITS - According to new research, teens are barely spending time on Snapchat anymore – 3% of their screentime to be exact. The study includes more on Gen Z phone habits – check it out.

🛍️ SHOP FAST - Yaysay, a new AI-powered shopping app, is aiming to gamify discount shopping by giving users 30 mins to decide whether or not they want to buy something. Would you try it?

Today’s Insight

📰 TL;DR - TikTok just shared new insights on ad effectiveness on the platform with the key factors that drive ad performance in the app. Highlights:

  • 50% of the impact from a TikTok ad is realized in the first 2 seconds

  • The first 6 seconds of an ad capture 90% cumulative impact on Ad Recall and 80% for Ad Awareness

  • Creative elements that feel native to the platform generate longer watch time

💡 Insight - Use native-feeling elements in your ads to maximize attention and engagement. That includes elements like real people, remixing a TikTok trend, or crafting a creative story.

While ad recall increases the longer a viewer pays attention to an ad, the audience size tends to decrease the longer videos continue to play. Be aware of the tradeoff between viewing duration and reach.

TikTok says their platform consistently drives high engagement peaks vs. their competitors. Lean into shorter videos that feel more authentic to lead to higher awareness & conversion rates.

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