Friday, May 31

Today's Essential Marketing News & Tips

And just like that, it’s already the weekend again. What do you think about four-day work weeks? Would you want them to be a regular occurrence?

📊 Stat Of The Day 📊

3.3 million fake reviews were removed from Trustpilot globally in 2023, part of 54 million total reviews published. (Source: Trustpilot)

🤔 Struggling to stand out in a crowded market?

Cutting through the noise to make your brand seen isn’t about spending big on ads or chasing celebrity endorsements. The real key? Leveraging the power of influencers.

But here's a twist: it's not the ones with millions of followers who'll make the biggest impact. With their authentic voices and loyal audiences, nano and micro-influencers are the secret sauce to building a community that listens and engages.

Managing and scaling influencer relationships might sound daunting, but that's where SARAL comes in.

With SARAL, you can:

🔦 Find untapped influencers in your niche

📧 Contact them directly

🍃 Never let a single conversation slip through the cracks

🔁 Track sales and do long-term collaborations with high-performers

Not ready for a trial? Talk to their team to learn more.

⚡️ Today’s Headlines ⚡️

🪦 Apple’s new Safari updates may kill ad tracking

👯 TikTok is preparing a U.S. clone of the app’s core algorithm

💬 Google is removing the option to chat with Business Profiles

📉 TikTok’s reputation is taking a hit in the midst of its potential U.S. ban

🤖 Instagram is training AI on your data & making it very hard to opt-out

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🛠 Things Worth Checking Out 🛠

👋🏻 AGENCY OWNERS - You can 3X your revenue using a proven 8-step model 8F has used for 800+ Agencies to help them with their systems & growth. Learn more and book your call now here →

💰 IG EARNINGS - Do you wanna guess which U.S. celebrity earned the most on Instagram this year so far? The answer may surprise you…

📝 IG NOTES - Instagram Notes have become pretty popular with Gen Z (despite them hating the app as a whole), but they’re working on new features to get more people using the feature. Here’s what’s coming.

💡 Today’s Insight 💡

🗞 TL;DR - Whether or not you like it, Gen Z is a major growing demographic of buyers and you should be trying to reach them. According to an Edelman study, more than 70% of Gen Zers said they would stay loyal to and buy from brands that share their values. In this case study, Hubspot dove into how 4 brands are wooing Gen Z audiences.

💡 Insight - tbh Skincare is an Australian skincare brand inspired by its co-founder’s struggles with acne. It’s a natural fit for youthful consumers who are the most likely to struggle with acne. But they’ve leaned even deeper into the Gen Z audience by using TikTok as their primary marketing channel and creating content that’s entertaining and memorable – like having their co-founder dress up as Margot Robbie and walk around Sydney tricking paparazzi.

Heaps Normal is a non-alcoholic beer with a focus on building communities in real life. Targeting Gen Z is a no brainer for this brand with 45% of the demographic who are of legal drinking age saying they’ve never consumed alcohol. By hosting unique, in-person marketing activities centered around human interaction with their product, they’re inviting a new form of beer appreciation built around drinking responsibly.

Liquid Death is a water brand that’s transformed into a lifestyle brand. Their iconic canned water (and now sparkling water) has become synonymous with heavy metal. Already standing out from the crowd, Liquid Death attracted the Gen Z crowd through a strategic collaboration with Elf Cosmetics and by leaning into similar alcohol-averse messaging.

Last but certainly not least, Barbie. While Barbie already has a leg up on the competition with longevity and brand loyalty, the Barbie movie generated a major amount of buzz with Gen Z by encouraging shareable memes, graphics, and audios on social media to engage younger digital audiences.

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