Friday, June 30

Marketing’s top news, tips, & tools of the day

We’re compiling a list of the Top 100 Marketers in the game, apply here for free!

Talk of the Town

  • According to LinkedIn, if you want to succeed on the feed nowadays, you’ll have to create content rooted in “knowledge and advice” that speaks to your followers.

  • The change has seen some immediate success with platform users noting that there’s been a 10% increase in people viewing posts from people they follow and a nearly 40% increase in “people checking out and viewing content grounded in knowledge from people that are out of their network.”

  • Takeaway: There’s the age-old joke that the posts that go viral are the ones you never intended to go viral… and that’s basically what LinkedIn is promoting. After long being known as the platform where CEOs go viral for wildly emotional posts, they’re putting their foot down – which is super refreshing in a digital world that’s becoming overwhelmingly performative.

  • The newly published blog post is Meta’s attempt to provide a “wider ethos of openness, transparency, and accountability” while including actions that Facebook and Instagram users can take to control what content they see. The information is boiled into 22 “service cards” that outline how content is ranked and recommended across the Feed, Stories, Reels, and more.

  • Takeaway: None of this is terribly groundbreaking to anyone who’s worked in social media, but the move to make these behind-the-scenes processes more public is a solid one amidst so much skepticism of the social network. Even if it’s just a forced PR move, it’s a smart move by Meta to try and reclaim public trust.

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🛠️ Things Worth Checking Out

🎀 BARBIE - This Twitter thread from Moshe Isaccian went viral this week about all the wild affiliate and experiential marketing from the new Barbie movie. Would love to see the budget on this one.

💼 RETENTION - Maximize your ERTC benefits! Lendio helps businesses reclaim credits for 2020 and 2021 payroll losses. Get up to $26,000 per employee. Apply for free.

✈️ TRAVEL - In a move that makes way too much sense, is launching a new conversational trip planner powered by ChatGPT.

Today’s Growth Tip

  • According to a recent Fast Company survey, 74% of Americans skipped ads when they could. That’s depressing. But many brands are thinking outside the box and tapping into the $23 billion product placement industry by opting for untraditional partnerships. The short explanation: brands provide their product in return for being featured in a show, movie, or other video form.

  • Make It Yours: What untraditional placements could you land for your brand? Maybe it’s major, like Eggo Waffles integrating into the plot line of Stranger Things (which led to a 14% spike in sales). Maybe it’s minor, like gifting your product to an aspiring influencer or being used in a photoshoot. Sometimes the most clever yet untraditional campaigns turn out to be the most memorable.

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